How to Be a Better Putter


One mistake that people make when they are trying to improve their putting is that they concentrate too much on having a perfect stroke. When putting, your attention should be on the target. A good stroke is something that will come naturally when all things are in play. And the first thing you need to get in order is allowing yourself to focus on the hole.


When a bowman goes out to hunt and they have a target in their site, they aren't thinking about the angle of their elbow. They aren't thinking about their finger placement in relation to their face. They are thinking about hitting their target. Read more about this at You should only be focused on your target which is the hole.


People also have a tendency to place too much focus on their grip. There are many different grips. Some people swear by the claw grip while others swear by the cross grip. And the reason why you hear different opinions about the various grips is because some grips work excellent for some golfers and some grips were better for other golfers. By all means find the grip that is most comfortable for you but don't think if you just find the right grip it will be the magic to unlock the secrets of putting.


There are also people who I call serial putter purchasers. These are golfers who are buying a new putter every time you turn around. Know more of this from this [source]. The buy into the sales pitches about how a certain putter will help them up their game and they are disappointed each time but they continue to buy clubs because they think one day, they'll find the putter that lives up to all of the hype. There are no magic putters.


I've told you all of the things that won't make you a better putter, but what will? In my opinion, visualization is the most important thing when it comes to putting. You have to be able to see the ball going into the whole. Visualizing is different than imagining. Anyone can imagine a ball going into a whole. Find out more about this when you review the site at When you visualize, you first determine a possible route for the ball and then try to get a stroke that will get the ball to go in the route you envisioned and into the hole. If the ball does not go into the hole you adjust your stroke until your visualization becomes reality. So in other wards you need to practice. Practice makes perfect.